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Here is a list of all the settings available in Demo Time.

demoTime.highlightBackgroundThe background color of the highlighted code.var(--vscode-editor-selectionBackground)
demoTime.highlightBorderColorThe border color of the highlighted code.rgba(255,0,0,0.5)
demoTime.highlightBlurBlur effect on the text which is not highlighted.0
demoTime.highlightOpacityThe opacity of the text which is not highlighted. Number between 0 and 1.0.5
demoTime.highlightZoomEnabledEnable zooming when highlighting code.false | number (zoom level)
demoTime.previousEnabledEnable the previous command when in presentation mode.false
demoTime.showClockShow a clock in the status bar.true
demoTime.timerCount down timer for how long the session should last. If not set, it will not count down. The value is the number of minutes.null
demoTime.lineInsertionDelayThe speed in milliseconds for inserting lines. If you set it to 0, it will insert its content immediately.25
demoTime.api.enabledEnable the API to control the extension.false
demoTime.api.portThe port on which the API should run.3710