Here is a list of all the settings available in Demo Time.
Setting | Description | Default |
demoTime.highlightBackground | The background color of the highlighted code. | var(--vscode-editor-selectionBackground) |
demoTime.highlightBorderColor | The border color of the highlighted code. | rgba(255,0,0,0.5) |
demoTime.highlightBlur | Blur effect on the text which is not highlighted. | 0 |
demoTime.highlightOpacity | The opacity of the text which is not highlighted. Number between 0 and 1. | 0.5 |
demoTime.highlightZoomEnabled | Enable zooming when highlighting code. | false | number (zoom level) |
demoTime.previousEnabled | Enable the previous command when in presentation mode. | false |
demoTime.showClock | Show a clock in the status bar. | true |
demoTime.timer | Count down timer for how long the session should last. If not set, it will not count down. The value is the number of minutes. | null |
demoTime.lineInsertionDelay | The speed in milliseconds for inserting lines. If you set it to 0 , it will insert its content immediately. | 25 |
demoTime.api.enabled | Enable the API to control the extension. | false |
demoTime.api.port | The port on which the API should run. | 3710 |