Terminal actions
Terminal actions are used to perform actions related to the terminal in the editor. You can use these actions to run commands, clear the terminal, and more.
Execute a terminal command
Execute a terminal command in the terminal.
{ "action": "executeTerminalCommand", "command": "<command to execute>", "terminalId": "<terminal id (optional)>"}
Execute a script in the background
Execute a script in the background of which you can use the output in the next steps.
{ "action": "executeScript", "id": "<script id>", "path": "<script to execute>", "command": "node" // Can be powershell, bash, shell, python, etc.}
Example of using the output of a script
{ "title": "Script example", "description": "", "steps": [ { "action": "executeScript", "id": "firstName", "path": "writeFirstName.mjs", "command": "node" }, { "action": "create", "path": "sample.json", "content": "{\n \"firstName\": \"{SCRIPT_firstName}\"\n}" }, { "action": "open", "path": "sample.json" } ]}
Close a terminal
Close the terminal.
{ "action": "closeTerminal", "terminalId": "<terminal id (optional)>"}